Thursday, May 3, 2018

03 May 2018

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

13 Days to Ramadhan. It means, 13 days of searching for me. Deep down, i really hope my 13 days before Ramadhan will give me a rainbow. A yellow one most welcome first. Anything can happen right. I wish today, if Allah willing, i will have what i want tomorrow. Vice versa, that wish may be keep first and be granted to me some other time. The perfect time.

I had a mixed feeling this almost half a year. I can be so happy in the morning and so gloomy in the evening. I will show the smile the whole days and also feel "i need my space". It's kind of restless life of me i think. Sometimes i will question myself, WHAT. Soooo middle age crisis.

But, i can move on from you dear butterfly. It seem i reach the expiry date of crush. Ahahaha. I fall again. Dear heart, why must this happen? Don't you pity me?. Ahhh. Sorry Rerama, i only have you to told all of this. *wink*. Ya Allah, kau jatuh kan lah hati ku ini pada si dia yang selayaknya.

When i realize that you already attract me just the way you are, my sleeping-kind-of-artsy-finger-kononnye has awaken. Hahahaha. Disclaimer, i'm not so talented in drawing. A simple one can do. But seriously i cannot draw human. =P
I try to draw you (probably not your face) copying your photo. Opps sorry i 'stole' it. ngee~
I draw your hobby. Ahhh why. Why i fall to you like this.
When you will noticed me? eh! Hahaha.

Tinta hati rerama : Hati seringkali menuju persimpangan. Tapi tidak juga ke kiri mahupun ke kanan. Jadinya mahunya apa kamu si hati?

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